
Jesus Gives Peace

Could you use peace?  Read Matthew 14:32-33.  The end of this account often gets overlooked.  Jesus walked on water. Peter walked on water. Jesus saved Peter from the water. Amazing miracles.    

But don’t forget the disciples in that boat during that violent storm. Jesus didn’t forget them. When the storm had served its purpose, Jesus calmed the storm. The waves calmed, and so did the disciples. God’s people were safe.

They were always safe with Jesus, weren’t they?  But isn’t it wonderful to know that when the Lord’s time is right, when the waves of life have served the godly goal of keeping our eyes on Jesus, there will come a place and time for peace?  Rest from the rush and stress.  Relief from anxiety, doubt, and fear.  

That peace is eternal life in heaven. That peace is yours in Jesus. The one who reached out his hand to Peter lives. And so will you. In fact, the one who saved you lives in a place of perfect peace and rest. And he is preparing that place for you.